23 October, 2009

Welcome to LANE 350 " Introduction to Translation”

Course Objectives:

1. Highlighting the importance of translation with special reference to the transference of technology and modern advancements in scientific disciplines;

2. Reviewing the different types and schools of translation; and

3. Introducing major problems confronted by the translator: cultural and linguistic.

The course aims to:
  • Develop theoretical and practical skills for translation.
  • Familiarize students with translation methods and approaches.

  • Introduce them to different types of translation.

  • Equip students with the translation tools and techniques in order to find solutions for translation problems.

Course Description

This introductory translation course offers students an overview of translation theory while providing practice with a variety of texts. Emphasis is given to rendering translations from English into Arabic language and vice versa in different topics related to translation practices. Basic concepts and problems in the area of Translation Studies are identified and discussed . Various modes and types of translation as well as translation strategies and techniques are also discussed. Students are familiarized with the role and functions of translator/interpreter in the process of intercultural communication.

The course has both a theoretical and practical components. Theoretical issues are illustrated by specific examples; and practical exercises are built around them. The course offers practical approaches to translation. It is based on topic areas, incorporating study of different text-types, style, use of dictionaries, text comparison, collocation, equivalents and practical hints and tips. The Internets is used both as text resource and as translation tool.

The course is a foundation as well as language-specific training in translation.

By the end of the course students should have a basic level of competence which will enable them to take on translation work with confidence.

The class format is a combination of PowerPoint presentation and group discussion. The class deals with linguistic and cultural problems which are involved in the process of translation/interpretation common to most language pairs.

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