28 February, 2010

Grammar (2): Course Syllabus

English Course File
Course Syllabus

Course Title: Grammar (2)
Course Code& Number: Eng 142
Credit hours: 2X2= 4 hrs
Pre-requisite: Grammar 1 Eng 141
Instructor: Dr. Shadia Yousef Banjar
Office phone: EX. 4373
Office: 4
Office hours: According to schedule and by appointment
E-mail: dr.shadiabanjar@gmail.com

Course Description
The course is intended for students who have acquired the basics of grammar. It continues what is achieved in grammar 1. It also presents English grammar through lively activities. Word classes, grammatical categories, phrases, and sentences are discussed in terms of forms and functions. Students practice the new structures in a variety of contexts to help them internalize and master them.

This course intends to sharpen the skills of the students in recognizing and using grammatical structures further more since grammar is the backbone of any language and knowing the grammar of a language is almost equal to knowing the language itself. Thus, this grammar course contributes, along with grammar 1, to bridging the gap between the use and usage of grammar.
Course Objectives 
By the end of this course, level-two grammar students are expected to be able to:
  1. practice tenses further more in real life situations.
  2. identify and use count and non-count nouns.
  3. identify modal auxiliaries.
  4. identify phrasal verbs.
  5. identify compound and complex sentences.
  6. recognize and use connectors.
  7. identify and use adjectives and adverbs.
  8. identify and use the passive voice.
  9. recognize and use adjective clauses.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Education and Student Life     P.2
Chapter 2: City Life     P.54
Chapter 3: Business and Money     P.98
Chapter 4: Jobs and Professions     P.138
Chapter 5: Lifestyles Around the World     P.180
Chapter 6: Global Connections       P. 224
Chapter 7: Language and Communication   P. 262
Chapter 8: Tastes and Preferences  P.296
Chapter 9: New Frontiers  P.338
Chapter 10: Rites of Passage     P. 372


Interactions 2, Grammar (Middle East Edition) by Patricia K. Werner & John P. Nelson

Instructional Procedures

The course will involve interactive communication between students and their teacher and between students themselves. In teaching grammar the teacher should follow certain methods and techniques such as the PPP model (presentation, practice and production), or the TTT method (text, teach, and test). The teacher's approach of presenting grammar rules can be either deductive or inductive.

General Course Requirements
Students are expected to attend all lectures, participate in class and do homework assignments, and presentation when asked. They have to appear for:
• Quizzes,
• Written Test,
• Midterm Exam, and
• Final Exam.

Dr. Shadia Yousef S. Banjar: Lecture Notes, Slideshows and my documents:

• Sidney Greenbaum & Gerald Nelson, An Introduction to English Grammar. Great Britain. 2002.
• John Eastwood, Oxford Guide to English Grammar. Oxford University Press. Oxford. 1994.

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